Moral leadership among CEOs is declining, even as more people demand it

Dov Seidman, who runs the HOW Institute for Society, has a new survey out assessing the “State of Moral Leadership in Business.”

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The Business of Humanity

Billions of people in the world are shut out. They have no membership in the financial institutions of life that allow those in richer nations to save, invest, borrow, build, and trade freely. Tens of millions of people, a huge share of them children, have been left stateless by war and poverty; many more live lives of subsistence in remote or rural regions of the world.

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UN General Assembly

Global Compact +15

Marking the UN Global Compact’s 15th anniversary, Global Compact +15 brought business and civil society to the United Nations to show how the private sector is taking action and partnering to advance societal priorities, with an emphasis on the United Nations global agenda for sustainable development (i.e. the Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs). The General Assembly Session was a unique gathering of all participants and special guests in the UN General Assembly Hall. Together participants aimed to demonstrate to Governments the private sector’s critical role in solving our world’s greatest challenges and show how the Global Compact’s work is at the heart of the United Nations agenda.

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Honoring Professor Elie Wiesel

On November 1, 2017, the Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity presented its inaugural Legacy Award to Oprah Winfrey at the Morgan Library in New York City. The award recognized Ms. Winfrey’s efforts to carry on the work and message of Elie Wiesel through her commitment to humanitarian service. CEO of LRN Dov Seidman was asked to speak about what Elie mean

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the dome of the u s capitol building under a cloudy sky

Testimony Before the U.S. Sentencing Commission

We are in troubling times for the business community, and your work is greatly appreciated by it. Trust of American business is at an exceedingly low level, perhaps the lowest since the Great Depression. The actions of a few, spectacular malfeasants have sullied the reputation of business as a whole and exposed the need for greater vigilance, and greater penalties for failures of compliance and ethics.

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Dov Seidman and Admiral James Stavridis at CNBC Evolve with Suzy Welch

Former admiral James Stavridis motivated and inspired thousands of sailors amid shifting tides; Dov Seidmen, the ‘CEO whisperer’ teaches the ‘how’ of innovation. They both are joined by Suzy Welch at CNBC Evolve talking about what makes great leaders, and what new skills are needed in today’s dynamic business environment.

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EconomyLeadershipSocietyThe HOW Philosophy

The HOW of Repairing our World with Dov Seidman and Tom Friedman

Join us for the first in a series of conversations on HOW individuals, nations and business must urgently change how they behave, lead and operate in a world that is more interconnected and interdependent. This first evening will examine the challenges in the global arena at this pivotal time and the fundamental shifts needed to solve our most pressing problems.

Moral Leadership

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Tom Friedman Column
man illustration

Why Mandela Was Unique

The global outpouring of respect for Nelson Mandela suggests that we’re not just saying goodbye to the man at his death but that we’re losing a certain kind of leader, unique on the world stage today, and we are mourning that just as much. Mandela had an extraordinary amount of “moral authority.”


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Tom Friedman Column
One World signage

We Are Opening the Lids on Two Giant Pandora’s Boxes

Let’s face it, we did not understand how much social networks would be used to undermine the twin pillars of any free society — truth and trust. So if we approach generative A.I. just as heedlessly — if we again go along with Mark Zuckerberg’s reckless mantra at the dawn of social networks, “move fast and break things” — oh, baby, we are going to break things faster, harder and deeper than anyone can imagine

Authentic Apologies

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Measuring the Apology of Kevin Rudd, Former Prime Minister of Australia

This is the third apology in our Apology Metrics series in which we present apologies for readers to assess. Our goal is not to evaluate apologies as theatrical performances but to evaluate the apologizer’s behavior over time to see whether there has been genuine change. This time, we will look at the apology of Kevin Rudd, the former prime minister of Australia, to Australia’s indigenous community in 2008. With the benefit of six years of hindsight, we are in a much better position to judge the apology’s authenticity.

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The Fine Art Of The Public Apology

With high-profile apologies from the likes of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford to New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, we’re in apology overload. Dov Seidman is calling for an apology cease-fire. Seidman is CEO of a company that helps corporations develop values-based cultures and strengthen their ethics and compliance effort. He tells Audie Cornish why he takes issue with recent apologies and what he believes makes a good one.

Trust & Society

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purple and pink plasma ball

Trust is a Drug

Neuroscientists have since proven that trust is akin to a drug literally because oxytocin is released in the brain when someone feels that someone is trusting them.

HOW Conversations

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HOW Conversations

The Business of Hope

Darren Walker, President of the Ford Foundation, joined Dov Seidman on HOW Conversations to discuss Mr. Walker’s new book, From Generosity to Justice: A New Gospel of Wealth. “I was born into an America that believed in my promise.”

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HOW Conversations

Leading via Decency…and Winning

Ajay Banga tells Dov Seidman on a new episode of HOW Conversations. Ajay explains why he thinks capitalism as we know it needs an overhaul and why the business of business is now about society. “This [wealth] inequality, this climate inequality, they don’t work for me, and they don’t work for my children, and they don’t work for you.”

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HOW Conversations

Part One: Leading With Moral Courage

Jonathan Greenblatt, the CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, sat down with Dov Seidman for a new two-part episode of HOW Conversations. They spoke about Jonathan’s new book, It Could Happen Here, Why America is Tipping from Hate to the Unthinkable – And How We Can Stop It. And their conversations touched on how to use moral courage to fight hate, why we need strong human connections in a transactional world and importance of pausing.

Moral Philosophy

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10 Practical Pointers for Capitalists from 10 Moral Philosophers

This year, WEF focused on “Resilient Dynamism” with sessions on “the Moral Economy” and “the Values Context.” Both resiliency and dynamism are qualities enabled by vibrant and virtuous individual or organizational character, and so it is only natural that amid the conversations at Davos this year, an earnest debate emerged about the morality of capitalism itself.


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Tom Friedman Column

Time for a Pause

You could easily write a book, or, better yet, make a movie about the drama that engulfed Sony Pictures and “The Interview,” Sony’s own movie about the fictionalized assassination of North Korea’s real-life dictator.

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PAUSE: The Key to Good Leadership

As humans, one of the simplest and most powerful tools we have is the ability to pause. Pausing creates a space to make determinations about how to best move forward. The Pause questionnaire is an online tool to help people pause and reflect on their values and the consequences of their behavior.

About Dov

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Harvard Kennedy School

Why HOW Matters Most

Dov Seidman, Founder and Chairman of The HOW Institute for Society, joined Harvard as a Hauser Leader in the Fall of 2022. Throughout his time on campus, Dov drew students into deep, provoking conversations about frameworks and models of leadership and explored with students their own leadership journeys and how they can be guided by their deepest beliefs. Dov spoke with us about his experience engaging with students at CPL.

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About Dov

Why doing good is good for business

Virtue is supposed to be its own reward, but according to an emerging line of thought, it’s profitable too. The Pfizer (PFE, Fortune 500) case is the kind of object lesson that permeates the gospel of Dov Seidman, a Los Angeles-based management guru who has become the hottest adviser on corporate virtue to Fortune 500 companies.


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Why Today’s Capitalism is No Longer Laissez-Faire

If ever we needed any evidence that we are undergoing a huge shift in the very nature of capitalism, how our economy is organized and what business fundamentally is, we need only look to how and how much new business language is being invented. While business often gets accused of being jargony, of creating unintelligible phrases, I think much more is going on with this flowering of ethically-minded language.

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Why the coronavirus crisis makes moral leadership more important than ever

The coronavirus pandemic has created a moral crisis, in which we face profound dilemmas and painful tradeoffs—even the ultimate tradeoff between saving lives and returning to normalcy. Only one kind of leadership can successfully respond to a moral crisis: moral leadership. It’s especially in times of crisis that people naturally look to authority for truthful answers, wise guidance, courageous action, and hope.