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The HOW Philosophy

HOW Matters More Than Ever

When HOW was first published in 2007, I argued in the book that we were entering the Era of Behavior. Now HOW has been re-published by John Wiley & Sons in an expanded edition and over the last four years it has become clear that we haven’t just entered the Era of Behavior. We’ve plunged way deep in it. Our behavior matters even more than I thought when I first wrote the book, and in ways I never imagined.

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Tom Friedman Column

How Did the Robot End Up With My Job?

In the last decade, we have gone from a connected world (thanks to the end of the Cold War, globalization and the Internet) to a hyperconnected world (thanks to those same forces expanding even faster). And it matters.

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Humanity is Job #1

As we continue to frequently lurch from one crisis to another, forging a sustainable path forward requires business leaders to rethink the very nature of how their organizations conduct business. The “New Normal” – defined by hypertransparency, hyperconnectivity, and ever- deepening interdependencies --demands new governance structures, organization models and leadership styles.

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BehaviorConnectionHumanityTechnologyThe HOW Philosophy

Welcome to the Era of Behavior

Not so long ago, we lived in a world where “externalities” were not our problem. The societal problems created by the operations of our large businesses lived “over there” — across the world, in someone else’s backyard, or in a supplier’s business. In a recent HBR piece, Chris Meyer and Julia Kirby tell us that’s no longer true, now that we live in an “age of transparency.” Internet-age technology has made our operations hyper-connected and hyper-visible, and now interested parties can easily see causes and effects — and easily tell others all over the world about what they see.

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Tom Friedman Column

A Question from Lydia

You are growing up in an increasingly integrated world where we’ll all need to be guided by the simple credo of the global nature-preservation group Conservation International, and that is: “Lost there, felt here.”

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Tom Friedman Column

Adults Only, Please

Sometimes you wonder: Are we home alone? Obviously, the political and financial elites to whom we give authority often act on the basis of personal interests.

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Tom Friedman Column

Are We Home Alone?

We’re in a once-a-century financial crisis, and yet we’ve actually descended into politics worse than usual. There don’t seem to be any adults at the top nobody acting larger than the moment, nobody being impelled by anything deeper than the last news cycle.

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Tom Friedman Column

Why HOW Matters

I have a friend who regularly reminds me that if you jump off the top of an 80-story building, for 79 stories you can actually think you’re flying. It’s the sudden stop at the end that always gets you.

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Tom Friedman Column

The Whole World is Watching

Companies that get their hows wrong won’t be able to just hire a P.R. firm to clean up the mess by a taking a couple of reporters to lunch — not when everyone is a reporter and can talk back and be heard globally.

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Tom Friedman Column

India vs. China vs. Egypt

It’s hard to escape a visit to India without someone asking you to compare it to China. This visit was no exception, but I think it’s more revealing to widen the aperture and compare India, China and Egypt.

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Tom Friedman Column

It’s Still Half Time in America

I sat through three days of speeches at the Republican convention here, but I confess that my mind often drifted off to thinking about Neil Armstrong, the first man to set foot on the Moon.