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There are hundreds of Insights to explore that we hope raise people’s consciousness and elevate the conversation by exploring today’s world through the lens of The HOW philosophy.

36 Insights about Technology
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AILeadershipTechnologyTom Friedman Column

Let’s Not Move Fast with A.I. and Break Things

Let’s face it, we did not understand how much social networks would be used to undermine the twin pillars of any free society — truth and trust. So if we approach generative A.I. just as heedlessly — if we again go along with Mark Zuckerberg’s reckless mantra at the dawn of social networks, “move fast and break things” — oh, baby, we are going to break things faster, harder and deeper than anyone can imagine.

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Why We Need Moral Leadership Now More than Ever?

Human systems can’t function without formal authority, whether it’s the President of the US, a CEO or a school principal, but what makes organizations really work is when leaders occupying those formal positions have moral authority too. While formal authority can be seized, won, or bestowed; moral authority must be earned by who you are and how you lead.

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Employees feel businesses are lacking moral leadership

"Who are America’s moral leaders?" USA Today asked in a recent headline. At a time when businesses are increasingly thrust to the forefront of complex issues such as racial bias, gender equity and privacy rights, an overwhelming majority of employees feel adrift. They do not believe their organizations are run by moral leaders.

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Leader to Leader

The Rise of the Human Economy

In the face of rampant technology and automation (including warnings about jobs being lost to robots), Seidman points out that we must cultivate trust, truth, values, passion, and other human-related qualities. He notes that numerous companies tout the word human in their slogans. In many cases, these companies do exemplify human-centered values. However, “though these efforts are likely earnest attempts to embody human values, companies get into trouble when they don't fully and completely instill these values in their organizations.” Citing the example of Nelson Mandela, Seidman writes: “When you demonstrate moral authority, people follow you not because they have to, but because they want to.”

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The Business of Humanity

Billions of people in the world are shut out. They have no membership in the financial institutions of life that allow those in richer nations to save, invest, borrow, build, and trade freely. Tens of millions of people, a huge share of them children, have been left stateless by war and poverty; many more live lives of subsistence in remote or rural regions of the world.

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In the machine age, only one type of organization will thrive: a human one

The world is not just rapidly changing, it is being dramatically reshaped. It is being reshaped faster than individual humans and the institutions are yet able to respond. Recent technological advances and disruptions have generated a world that operates so differently that we struggle to comprehend its meaning and adapt to the circumstances it presents to us. This new world poses profound challenges for organizations of all kinds as they try to cultivate resilience and simultaneously determine a source of growth.

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From the Knowledge Economy to the Human Economy

Over the course of the 20thcentury, the mature economies of the world evolved from being industrial economies to knowledgeeconomies. Now we are at another watershed moment, transitioning to human economies—and the shift has profound implications for management. What do I mean by the human economy? Economies get labeled according to the work people predominately do in them. The industrial economy…

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the dome of the u s capitol building under a cloudy sky

Testimony Before the U.S. Sentencing Commission

We are in troubling times for the business community, and your work is greatly appreciated by it. Trust of American business is at an exceedingly low level, perhaps the lowest since the Great Depression. The actions of a few, spectacular malfeasants have sullied the reputation of business as a whole and exposed the need for greater vigilance, and greater penalties for failures of compliance and ethics.

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Netflix: From Customer Revolt to Breakthrough

Netflix is the toast of the town, and they rightly deserve to be congratulated not only for bringing joy to their nearly 30 million subscribers, but for impressing stalwarts from both the Street and the Valley.

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Gaming Culture: Why ‘Cool’ Isn’t Enough

Online gaming company Zynga has been in the news a lot lately, but most of this reporting and analysis neglects a fundamental point: Now that it has rebooted its leadership, its success hinges not on how it executes business, but how it integrates culture. Zynga’s journey presents a rich reminder to all companies -- of what organizational culture is, what it is not, and how culture can and should be a strategic asset that informs and inspires everything our companies do.

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Are you a Social Media Narcissist?

For millions of people, a social media bubble inflates every day, as their key indicators—likes! endorsements! Klout scores! clickthroughs!—soar.

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How Social Technology can Reinvent Business

How can the use of technology enable companies and the people within them to make better decisions and have a more positive impact on our world? Can creative minds help us rethink how business operates? Can the right group of people collaborate to reexamine and restore the social contract between business and society?

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Can Social Technology Help “Reinvent Business”?

From Occupy Wall Street to the publication of resignation letters in the New York Times, we cannot ignore the widening “trust gap” between business and society. Increasingly, consumers and citizens are demanding that companies match their actions to their words. Integrity must incorporate the values and principles of stakeholders, including society at large. Our current crises – referring not only to financial ones – are not the result of unforeseen disasters or natural market cycles. They are the result of our behaviour.

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The Top 10 Ways to Become Truly Social

The problem begins with how we’re defining “social enterprise.” The conventional wisdom suggests that we can flip a switch (i.e. implement social media capabilities) and our employees will magically collaborate and innovate in meaningful and profitable ways with an ever-expanding network of global stakeholders.

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BehaviorConnectionHumanityTechnologyThe HOW Philosophy

Welcome to the Era of Behavior

Not so long ago, we lived in a world where “externalities” were not our problem. The societal problems created by the operations of our large businesses lived “over there” — across the world, in someone else’s backyard, or in a supplier’s business. In a recent HBR piece, Chris Meyer and Julia Kirby tell us that’s no longer true, now that we live in an “age of transparency.” Internet-age technology has made our operations hyper-connected and hyper-visible, and now interested parties can easily see causes and effects — and easily tell others all over the world about what they see.