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There are hundreds of Insights to explore that we hope raise people’s consciousness and elevate the conversation by exploring today’s world through the lens of The HOW philosophy.

9 Insights about Philosophy
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The Conscious Capitalists

Moral Leadership Matters More Now Than Ever

Moral leaders connect us in very deep places—values, principles, purpose, hope and aspirations!! . Dov Seidman author of the best-selling book, How, discusses the important role of Moral Leadership- the craving people have for this and the gaps we have in business from the How Institutes’ latest survey of Moral Leadership. This is part 2 of a 2 part podcast with Dov- last week we covered the importance of morality and moral philosophy in how we do things—in our society and in our businesses.

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Thinking Higher, Feeling Deeper: Honoring Elie Wiesel

Today marks one year since the passing of Professor Elie Wiesel. To me, and certainly to countless others, Elie Wiesel was a, if not the moral conscience of our world. Professor Wiesel said that “words can sometimes, in moments of grace, attain the status of deeds.” His morally courageous and truthful words in so many moments of consequence – especially when in the face of hatred or persecution – transformed into deeds that made our world more just and human.

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Why Today’s Capitalism is No Longer Laissez-Faire

If ever we needed any evidence that we are undergoing a huge shift in the very nature of capitalism, how our economy is organized and what business fundamentally is, we need only look to how and how much new business language is being invented. While business often gets accused of being jargony, of creating unintelligible phrases, I think much more is going on with this flowering of ethically-minded language.

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statue of man holding cross

10 Practical Pointers for Capitalists from 10 Moral Philosophers

This year, WEF focused on “Resilient Dynamism” with sessions on “the Moral Economy” and “the Values Context.” Both resiliency and dynamism are qualities enabled by vibrant and virtuous individual or organizational character, and so it is only natural that amid the conversations at Davos this year, an earnest debate emerged about the morality of capitalism itself.