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There are hundreds of Insights to explore that we hope raise people’s consciousness and elevate the conversation by exploring today’s world through the lens of The HOW philosophy.

19 Insights about Pause
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SALA Series

Gregg Berhalter & Dov Seidman – World-Class Leaders Discussing ‘How We Do Anything Means Everything’

Best-selling author and Chairman of The HOW Institute for Society, Dov Seidman pairs with Gregg Berhalter, head coach of the United States men’s national soccer team. Berhalter’s intentional build of team culture can be seen through the lens of Seidman’s best-selling book: How: Why How We Do Anything Means Everything. Explains Seidman: “Self-governing cultures both inspire alignment and eject elements that don't fit in.”

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PAUSE: The Key to Good Leadership

As humans, one of the simplest and most powerful tools we have is the ability to pause. Pausing creates a space to make determinations about how to best move forward. The Pause questionnaire is an online tool to help people pause and reflect on their values and the consequences of their behavior.

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The Gift of Pause

Sometimes the best gifts in life come to us in unusual ways. So it was with my dear friend Mats Lederhausen's recent birthday. Aptly named a "former wunderkind" by Reuters.com, Mats was turning fifty, and as a celebratory gesture of this milestone, he and his wife Jessica decided to host a party. Not just any party, mind you, as this one served to expand the worldview of all who attended - most of all my own.

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To Build Trust in Business, Start with a Pause

Businesses of all kinds are mired in a crisis of trust. Whether it’s the exposure of embarrassing corporate details stemming from a hack initiated in Asia; the revelation that a company has systematically misled its customers, subverted regulators, or made unreliable claims to patients; the release of sensitive financial documents through WikiLeaks or the Panama…

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Giving Pause

Fifteen year-old Trisha Prabhu understands the power of pausing. As a high school student and daughter of software engineers, Prabhu spent years studying computer programming from a young age. After learning about an 11-year-old girl who committed suicide in 2012 because of relentless bullying on the internet, she was prompted to put her knowledge to use in order to disrupt one of the greatest social problems facing her generation.

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Do Robots Have Electric Mantras?

As those of us in the Northern hemisphere settle into the autumn, I’m mindful of persistent advice from business gurus telling me that I should be practicing mindfulness, but I’m even more mindful that mindfulness has become one of the most overused, watered-down tropes of the year. The television series Silicon Valley nails this problem on the head, when it has Gavin Belson, the chief executive of Hooli, the show’s Google-like fictional technology company, consulting with his spiritual advisor for ways to use yoga and meditation to crush his opposition.

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Want to Do Big Things? Make Yourself Small

Most of us seem to associate the word "leader" with stereotypical personality traits such as charisma, dynamism, self-motivation and forcefulness. There’s nothing wrong with any of these characteristics in and of themselves. Most successful leaders I have met exemplify some if not all of them. But just because these are the commonly thought of features, does that make them the best or definitive ones?

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Measuring the Apology of the Atlanta Hawks

This is the fourth apology in our Apology Metrics series in which we present apologies for readers to assess. Our goal is not to evaluate apologies as theatrical performances but to evaluate the apologizer’s behavior over time to see whether there has been genuine change. The survey for this apology will be predictive rather than retrospective. We will follow up with a retrospective evaluation after at least a year.

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Measuring the Apology of Kevin Rudd, Former Prime Minister of Australia

This is the third apology in our Apology Metrics series in which we present apologies for readers to assess. Our goal is not to evaluate apologies as theatrical performances but to evaluate the apologizer’s behavior over time to see whether there has been genuine change. This time, we will look at the apology of Kevin Rudd, the former prime minister of Australia, to Australia’s indigenous community in 2008. With the benefit of six years of hindsight, we are in a much better position to judge the apology’s authenticity.