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There are hundreds of Insights to explore that we hope raise people’s consciousness and elevate the conversation by exploring today’s world through the lens of The HOW philosophy.

117 Insights about Leadership
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BehaviorCommunityCultureFrameworksHumanityInnovationJourneysLeadershipMetricsMission and PurposeThe HOW InstituteTrustValues

The State of Moral Leadership in Business 2024

The 2024 State of Moral Leadership in Business report represents our ongoing effort to specifically study the presence of moral leadership and how, when it is present, it inspires elevated behavior in people, shapes values-based organizational cultures, strengthens performance, and leads to deeper relationships with communities and society.

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BehaviorCapitalismCommunityConnectionCultureEconomyLeadershipSocietyThe HOW PhilosophyTrust

How to Out-behave the Competition with Dov Seidman

It once wasn’t uncommon to hear a boss tell their employees “just get it done. I don’t care how.” However, in the last decade, organizations have evolved. Now, we often hear leaders priding themselves on encouraging their employees to speak up. But, what if leaders created environments and cultures in which it didn’t take an act of courage for employees to speak their minds? In this episode, we explore how leaders can create a framework and playbook for moral leadership at their organizations that allows employees to out-behave and consequently out-perform the competition.

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The Conscious Capitalists

Moral Leadership Matters More Now Than Ever

Moral leaders connect us in very deep places—values, principles, purpose, hope and aspirations!! . Dov Seidman author of the best-selling book, How, discusses the important role of Moral Leadership- the craving people have for this and the gaps we have in business from the How Institutes’ latest survey of Moral Leadership. This is part 2 of a 2 part podcast with Dov- last week we covered the importance of morality and moral philosophy in how we do things—in our society and in our businesses.

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AILeadershipTechnologyTom Friedman Column

Let’s Not Move Fast with A.I. and Break Things

Let’s face it, we did not understand how much social networks would be used to undermine the twin pillars of any free society — truth and trust. So if we approach generative A.I. just as heedlessly — if we again go along with Mark Zuckerberg’s reckless mantra at the dawn of social networks, “move fast and break things” — oh, baby, we are going to break things faster, harder and deeper than anyone can imagine.

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Corporate CultureLeadership
Yahoo Sports

Inside Gregg Berhalter’s leadership quest

By the time Berhalter and Seidman met in May of 2022, the USMNT coach was, in Seidman’s words, already “fully on this journey.” It began over a decade ago, even before he’d retired as a player, then intensified when he got the national team job in 2018. He had a culture to repair and a mission to shape. So he searched far and wide for any information that would help him do that.

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man wearing black t-shirt close-up photography
Harvard Kennedy School

Why HOW Matters Most

Dov Seidman, Founder and Chairman of The HOW Institute for Society, joined Harvard as a Hauser Leader in the Fall of 2022. Throughout his time on campus, Dov drew students into deep, provoking conversations about frameworks and models of leadership and explored with students their own leadership journeys and how they can be guided by their deepest beliefs. Dov spoke with us about his experience engaging with students at CPL.

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The State of Moral Leadership in Business 2022

The 2022 State of Moral Leadership in Business report represents our ongoing effort to specifically study the presence of moral leadership and how, when it is present, it inspires elevated behavior in people, shapes values-based organizational cultures, strengthens performance, and leads to deeper relationships with communities and society. This year’s report confirms our hypothesis that while some leaders have risen to the occasion of late, especially since the pandemic, there still aren’t enough moral leaders to go around.

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SALA Series

Gregg Berhalter & Dov Seidman – World-Class Leaders Discussing ‘How We Do Anything Means Everything’

Best-selling author and Chairman of The HOW Institute for Society, Dov Seidman pairs with Gregg Berhalter, head coach of the United States men’s national soccer team. Berhalter’s intentional build of team culture can be seen through the lens of Seidman’s best-selling book: How: Why How We Do Anything Means Everything. Explains Seidman: “Self-governing cultures both inspire alignment and eject elements that don't fit in.”

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The Human Connection in the Virtual Workplace

The HOW Institute undertook the research to understand how human connection in the workplace has evolved since the onset of the pandemic. The Human Connection in the Virtual Workplace report found human connection was strained for all employees but for some more than others, particularly women and younger workers. Yet, the findings also showed workers feel more meaningfully connected when their supervisors exhibited and embodied behaviors and attributes associated with moral leadership.

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Why We Need Moral Leadership Now More than Ever?

Human systems can’t function without formal authority, whether it’s the President of the US, a CEO or a school principal, but what makes organizations really work is when leaders occupying those formal positions have moral authority too. While formal authority can be seized, won, or bestowed; moral authority must be earned by who you are and how you lead.

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BehaviorCommunityCultureFrameworksHumanityInnovationJourneysLeadershipMetricsMission and PurposeThe HOW InstituteTrustValues

The State of Moral Leadership in Business 2020

In addition to presenting The Institute’s definition of moral leadership, this report provides a wide variety of data on how moral leadership manifests in the business world today—the presence of moral behaviors among managers and executives, the demand that employees express for leaders with moral authority, and the variety of benefits that stem from moral leadership. The report also offers valuable advice to those who aspire to become moral leaders.

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red and black abstract art

Why the coronavirus crisis makes moral leadership more important than ever

The coronavirus pandemic has created a moral crisis, in which we face profound dilemmas and painful tradeoffs—even the ultimate tradeoff between saving lives and returning to normalcy. Only one kind of leadership can successfully respond to a moral crisis: moral leadership. It’s especially in times of crisis that people naturally look to authority for truthful answers, wise guidance, courageous action, and hope.

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Dov Seidman and Admiral James Stavridis at CNBC Evolve with Suzy Welch

Former admiral James Stavridis motivated and inspired thousands of sailors amid shifting tides; Dov Seidmen, the ‘CEO whisperer’ teaches the ‘how’ of innovation. They both are joined by Suzy Welch at CNBC Evolve talking about what makes great leaders, and what new skills are needed in today’s dynamic business environment.

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CBS News

How Great Leaders Motivate Through Inspiration

On October 15, 1981, professional cheerleader Krazy George Henderson realized a vision for an unbroken wave of human energy, which would give his team a sustained competitive advantage. In a playoff game between the Oakland As and the New York Yankees, he inspired more than 40,000 fans to join together, rise out of their chairs in unison, throw their arms up in the air and lend their voices to one, thunderous and perpetual cheer.

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Activist employees: A price worth paying

When employees go public with objections to the perceived moral shortcomings of their companies, most executives react with a sigh of relief — glad it wasn’t their company. In the past year, employees at organizations ranging from Google and Amazon to Deloitte and McKinsey have protested the handling of sexual harassment allegations and petitioned management to stop working with customers that they consider unethical, immoral, or damaging to society.

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Employees feel businesses are lacking moral leadership

"Who are America’s moral leaders?" USA Today asked in a recent headline. At a time when businesses are increasingly thrust to the forefront of complex issues such as racial bias, gender equity and privacy rights, an overwhelming majority of employees feel adrift. They do not believe their organizations are run by moral leaders.

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EducationLeadershipNext Generation Leaders

Hope for the Next Generation

Today, as the winners eloquently illustrate in their essays, the need for ethical thinking and action is more urgent than ever. In our hyper-connected, interdependent world, we can now feel the hope, dreams, frustrations, and anger of millions of others instantly. News of injustice and mistreatment spreads in an instant; the moral distance between us is disappearing. But the same technologies that connect us are also being used to undermine truth and trust. Never before have these twin pillars of society been under such widespread and continual assault.

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Honoring Professor Elie Wiesel

On November 1, 2017, the Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity presented its inaugural Legacy Award to Oprah Winfrey at the Morgan Library in New York City. The award recognized Ms. Winfrey’s efforts to carry on the work and message of Elie Wiesel through her commitment to humanitarian service. CEO of LRN Dov Seidman was asked to speak about what Elie mean

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Meet the Press

Meet the Press

The panel is here. Robert Costa, national political reporter for The Washington Post, and moderator of PBS's Washington Week. Helene Cooper, Pentagon correspondent for The New York Times, Danielle Pletka of the American Enterprise Institute, and Tom Friedman, columnist for The New York Times.