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There are hundreds of Insights to explore that we hope raise people’s consciousness and elevate the conversation by exploring today’s world through the lens of The HOW philosophy.

41 Insights about Economy
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How to Out-behave the Competition with Dov Seidman

It once wasn’t uncommon to hear a boss tell their employees “just get it done. I don’t care how.” However, in the last decade, organizations have evolved. Now, we often hear leaders priding themselves on encouraging their employees to speak up. But, what if leaders created environments and cultures in which it didn’t take an act of courage for employees to speak their minds? In this episode, we explore how leaders can create a framework and playbook for moral leadership at their organizations that allows employees to out-behave and consequently out-perform the competition.

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The Conscious Capitalists

Moral Leadership Matters More Now Than Ever

Moral leaders connect us in very deep places—values, principles, purpose, hope and aspirations!! . Dov Seidman author of the best-selling book, How, discusses the important role of Moral Leadership- the craving people have for this and the gaps we have in business from the How Institutes’ latest survey of Moral Leadership. This is part 2 of a 2 part podcast with Dov- last week we covered the importance of morality and moral philosophy in how we do things—in our society and in our businesses.

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Why We Need Moral Leadership Now More than Ever?

Human systems can’t function without formal authority, whether it’s the President of the US, a CEO or a school principal, but what makes organizations really work is when leaders occupying those formal positions have moral authority too. While formal authority can be seized, won, or bestowed; moral authority must be earned by who you are and how you lead.

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Dov Seidman and Admiral James Stavridis at CNBC Evolve with Suzy Welch

Former admiral James Stavridis motivated and inspired thousands of sailors amid shifting tides; Dov Seidmen, the ‘CEO whisperer’ teaches the ‘how’ of innovation. They both are joined by Suzy Welch at CNBC Evolve talking about what makes great leaders, and what new skills are needed in today’s dynamic business environment.

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Activist employees: A price worth paying

When employees go public with objections to the perceived moral shortcomings of their companies, most executives react with a sigh of relief — glad it wasn’t their company. In the past year, employees at organizations ranging from Google and Amazon to Deloitte and McKinsey have protested the handling of sexual harassment allegations and petitioned management to stop working with customers that they consider unethical, immoral, or damaging to society.

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Employees feel businesses are lacking moral leadership

"Who are America’s moral leaders?" USA Today asked in a recent headline. At a time when businesses are increasingly thrust to the forefront of complex issues such as racial bias, gender equity and privacy rights, an overwhelming majority of employees feel adrift. They do not believe their organizations are run by moral leaders.

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Leader to Leader

The Rise of the Human Economy

In the face of rampant technology and automation (including warnings about jobs being lost to robots), Seidman points out that we must cultivate trust, truth, values, passion, and other human-related qualities. He notes that numerous companies tout the word human in their slogans. In many cases, these companies do exemplify human-centered values. However, “though these efforts are likely earnest attempts to embody human values, companies get into trouble when they don't fully and completely instill these values in their organizations.” Citing the example of Nelson Mandela, Seidman writes: “When you demonstrate moral authority, people follow you not because they have to, but because they want to.”

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How the Financial Industry Can Earn Back the Trust it Has Lost

The financial crisis may have begun with a lion’s roar, but it seems to have concluded with something akin to a lamb’s bleat. In late August, the SEC announced a settlement with former Fannie Mae CEO and President Daniel Mudd, who was accused of misleading investors about the organization’s exposure to risky mortgages, marking the conclusion of one of the last legal battles…

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UN General Assembly

Global Compact +15

Marking the UN Global Compact’s 15th anniversary, Global Compact +15 brought business and civil society to the United Nations to show how the private sector is taking action and partnering to advance societal priorities, with an emphasis on the United Nations global agenda for sustainable development (i.e. the Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs). The General Assembly Session was a unique gathering of all participants and special guests in the UN General Assembly Hall. Together participants aimed to demonstrate to Governments the private sector’s critical role in solving our world’s greatest challenges and show how the Global Compact’s work is at the heart of the United Nations agenda.

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Why Today’s Capitalism is No Longer Laissez-Faire

If ever we needed any evidence that we are undergoing a huge shift in the very nature of capitalism, how our economy is organized and what business fundamentally is, we need only look to how and how much new business language is being invented. While business often gets accused of being jargony, of creating unintelligible phrases, I think much more is going on with this flowering of ethically-minded language.

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The HOW of Repairing our World with Dov Seidman and Tom Friedman

Join us for the first in a series of conversations on HOW individuals, nations and business must urgently change how they behave, lead and operate in a world that is more interconnected and interdependent. This first evening will examine the challenges in the global arena at this pivotal time and the fundamental shifts needed to solve our most pressing problems.

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From the Knowledge Economy to the Human Economy

Over the course of the 20thcentury, the mature economies of the world evolved from being industrial economies to knowledgeeconomies. Now we are at another watershed moment, transitioning to human economies—and the shift has profound implications for management. What do I mean by the human economy? Economies get labeled according to the work people predominately do in them. The industrial economy…

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Are We All GM? Take the Quiz

Is your organization like GM? Your reaction to that question is probably similar to my own reflexive response–and to the reactions of the vast majority of business leaders and managers: “Of course not! Nor was our company like Enron or BP, for that matter. Our products didn’t kill customers, sap retirement accounts or damage the environment.” Of course, you may wonder why you should care enough to even ask yourself the question. Fair enough, but I strongly believe we all should ask this question.

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the dome of the u s capitol building under a cloudy sky

Testimony Before the U.S. Sentencing Commission

We are in troubling times for the business community, and your work is greatly appreciated by it. Trust of American business is at an exceedingly low level, perhaps the lowest since the Great Depression. The actions of a few, spectacular malfeasants have sullied the reputation of business as a whole and exposed the need for greater vigilance, and greater penalties for failures of compliance and ethics.

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Humanity is Job #1

As we continue to frequently lurch from one crisis to another, forging a sustainable path forward requires business leaders to rethink the very nature of how their organizations conduct business. The “New Normal” – defined by hypertransparency, hyperconnectivity, and ever- deepening interdependencies --demands new governance structures, organization models and leadership styles.