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7 Insights about Crisis
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Why the coronavirus crisis makes moral leadership more important than ever

The coronavirus pandemic has created a moral crisis, in which we face profound dilemmas and painful tradeoffs—even the ultimate tradeoff between saving lives and returning to normalcy. Only one kind of leadership can successfully respond to a moral crisis: moral leadership. It’s especially in times of crisis that people naturally look to authority for truthful answers, wise guidance, courageous action, and hope.

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Why Companies Shouldn’t ‘Do’ Compliance

How would a global company build a big enough bureaucracy to ensure that all 100,000 employees in its operating companies worldwide follow each and every law and regulation? Even further, how could the CEO of that company be assured that his or her people were acting according to the even higher standard of behavior demanded by its stakeholder community?

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Humanity is Job #1

As we continue to frequently lurch from one crisis to another, forging a sustainable path forward requires business leaders to rethink the very nature of how their organizations conduct business. The “New Normal” – defined by hypertransparency, hyperconnectivity, and ever- deepening interdependencies --demands new governance structures, organization models and leadership styles.